
Natal Chart Interpretation
$100.00     This includes a complete breakdown of all the major points in your natal chart. We will discuss the fundamentals as well as the most prominent placements, aspects, and other dynamics found within it as well as how they all synthesize with one another to create the story of your life. This will last for about 90 minutes. While I do recommend this be a live consult where you can ask questions and provide feedback, I can offer a recording of the interpretation for download if you prefer that instead.

Life Path & Vocation Guidance

General Consult
$20.00 +     Sometimes you have a specific question you’d like to ask. Or there’s a particular area of life you’d like to look into such as career or romance. Maybe something happened recently in your life and you’re looking for greater clarity into the how and why. You can schedule 15 minute blocks for $20.00 each. This is an open ended conversation and we will go in whatever direction you prefer during the time scheduled. The reason I require a natal chart interpretation first is because nothing that is not promised in the horoscope can be brought into your life. Without a full and comprehensive breakdown of your chart, asking questions about marriage or career or other timing matters will be incomplete without that understanding.

The Year Ahead
This requires a natal chart interpretation having been done prior
$120.00     We will discuss what you can expect for yourself during the coming year. Ideally this is done right around your birthday to get the most out of the information gathered. I will be using several different timing techniques as well as an intimate understanding of your birth chart in order to determine major events and opportunities that will present themselves for you in the coming year. This will usually take about two hours to go over fully. While I do recommend this be a live consult where you can ask questions and provide feedback, I can offer a recording of the interpretation for download if you prefer that instead.

Transits Report
This is a written report and no direct consult is required
$5.00/month     This includes a simple listing of all the major transits, planetary ingresses, Lunations, and eclipses occurring in your chart. I will provide the dates for when they begin, when they go exact (if applicable), and when they leave the orb of aspect. I also include an infographic showing the transits for each month requested. This is perfect for someone who has a base understanding of astrological transits and would like to perform their own interpretations and logging of events as they correspond with the planetary movements.
$15.00/month     This will include everything listed prior as well as summaries of what you can expect from the transits and areas of your life they will likely impact.
Example of transits report without summaries
Example of transits report with summaries
Example of the monthly calendar view

Synastry Reading
$200.00     This includes a basic breakdown of each partner’s natal chart and an in-depth discussion of how each chart plays off the other. We will go over the strengths and challenges seen between the two charts as well as discuss the best way of handling some of the more difficult aspects and how to make the most of the harmonious ones. Our conversation will typically last for about two hours. It is not necessary for both partners to be present but it is encouraged. If you’ve had a natal chart interpretation done with me, I will lower this price by $50.00 for each one that has been done already.